Transform your skin with relaxing red light therapy

The secret to clearer, smoother, younger-looking skin may be easier than you think! The REDjuvenator utilizes red light therapy to enhance the lymphatic system and mitochondrial function in the cells, improving your body’s detoxification abilities by increasing blood flow. It renews your skin from the inside out!

The REDjuvenator can help decrease inflammation, smooth skin tone, repair sun damage, fade scars and stretch marks, and build collagen to reduce wrinkles. Red light therapy is also helpful in healing wounds and can prevent recurring cold sores or herpes simplex.

But it’s not just about getting beautiful skin — the REDjuvenator can aid in recovery for athletes, too. Red light therapy stimulates collagen production, which helps rebuild cartilage and repair muscle tissue. It’s even been shown to reduce pain from sore muscles and injuries.

Red light therapy is a great asset for anyone who wants better skin and healing. You can use the REDjuvenator 3-5 times a week to treat skin issues — and considering how relaxing it is, you’ll definitely want to! — and 1-2 times a week for maintenance, once you start seeing results.

Whether you’re looking to speed up muscle recovery or simply enjoy smoother skin, the REDjuvenator is a relaxing way to take care of yourself. Contact us to learn more and schedule some time in the REDjuvenator today.

Person’s view of feet inside Innovative Health and Performance REDjuvenator red light therapy chamber
Bed inside the Innovative Health and Performance REDjuvenator red light therapy chamber
Person inside Innovative Health and Performance REDjuvenator red light therapy box